Intimations Sunday 27th May 2018

Intimations Sunday 27th May

A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.

At the service here in Dalserf next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated. The Sacrament will also be celebrated in Rorison at 2.30pm.

Bible Study will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow at 11am. Bible study will then be on holiday till September.

There will be a Kirk Session meeting on Wednesday in Rorison at 7.30pm.
Our Saturday Teas yesterday raised the sum of £506.80


Thursday 7th June Guild Rally Trinity Church 7.30pm
Friday 22nd June Nursing Home visits.


Presents “THE BIG SING” with The Easter Egg club & Jubilee Jammers on Thursday 7th June at 1,00pm for 1.30pm in Stonehouse Lifestyles Centre.
Tickets £3.00. If you wish to attend please give your name to Kay Blair or contact Jubilee Jammers on 01698 884537

FOODBANK Thank you all for your continued support through your donations via your church (especially at harvest thanksgiving) and local supermarket baskets. These donations have kept the foodbank very well stocked over the last year. However, we are now running low on toilet rolls, tinned fruit and longlife breakfast juice. If you are considering making a donation to the foodbank at this time, we would very much appreciate if you would consider giving one of these items.

RECIPE BOOK A curry recipe book is available in Hamilton Hall. All proceeds from this will go to help Water Aid in deprived countries. Please leave £15.00 in the honesty box should you take a book

Order of Service Sunday 20th May 2018

Dalserf Parish Church


The Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Hymn: 582 O day of joy and wonder
(Tune: St. Theodulph 364)

Prayer of Approach

Time with the Pathfinders

Hymn: 204 I am the Church! You are the Church

Prayer for Illumination

Acts 2: 1 – 21 David Manson
John 15: 26 – 27, 16: 4b – 15 Revd. John Stevenson

Hymn: 601 Look upon us, blessed Lord

Sermon: “The Spirit of Advocacy

Hymn: 583 Spirit divine, attend our prayers

Offering and Prayer of dedication
Prayers for others

Hymn: 595 O Breath of life, come sweeping through us

Threefold Amen

Intimations Sunday 20th May 2018


A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
Bible Study will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow at 11am
Sunday Pathfinders will finish today and return on the first Sunday in September when they will have their prizegiving.

The Nursing Home visits will be this Thursday 24th May. Clinton House 1.45pm followed by Ballantine Court at 2.15pm and 3.45pm. If you feel able to join us at any or all of the above, you will be made most welcome.
Saturday Teas yesterday raised the sum of £233.00

Kirk Session will meet after the service today.

FOODBANK: Thank you all for your continued support through your donations via your church (especially at harvest thanksgiving) and local supermarket baskets. These donations have kept the foodbank very well stocked over the last year. However, we are now running low on toilet rolls, tinned fruit and long-life breakfast juice. If you are considering making a donation to the foodbank at this time, we would very much appreciate if you would consider giving one of these items.


Our Saturday teas have started. Come along to Hamilton Hall, Dalserf between 12.00 and 4.oopm and enjoy our home baking and fellowship.

The local Nursing Homes will be visited the afternoon of 24th May beginning at Clinton House at 1.45pm.

Sunday Worship on Sunday 27th May in Dalserf at 11.30am conducted by the Rev. John Stevenson
The choir will meet at 1.30am in Dalserf Church.

Bible Study Group will meet on Monday 28th May in Hamilton Hall at 11.00am

Order of Service Sunday 13th May 2018

Dalserf Parish Church

Ascension Sunday

Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Hymn: 446 Lift up your hearts believers!

Prayer of Approach

Time with Pathfinders

Hymn: 448 Lord, the light of your love is shining

Acts 1: 1 – 11 Ann Carson
Luke 24: 44 – 53 Revd. John Stevenson

Hymn: 601 Look upon us blessed Lord

Sermon: “Better Late Than Never”
Hymn: 438 The head that once was crowned with thorns

Offering and Prayer of dedication
Prayers for others

Hymn: 436 Christ triumphant, ever reigning

Threefold Amen

Intimations Sunday 13th May 2018


WELCOME: A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.

BIBLE STUDY will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow at 11am

NEWSLETTER: Any items for the June newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor by today.

KIRKFIELDBANK LADIES FELLOWSHIP are having a Charity Pancake day in Kirkfieldbank Church Hall tomorrow Monday 14th May from 2pm – 4pm. All the pancakes you can eat with tea etc. Adults £2.50 children £1.00. Proceeds going to Crossreach.

GUILD OUTING: This coming Saturday 19th May is our Guild trip leaving from Dalserf at 10am. Visiting Glasgow Cathedral, Peoples Palace and then Chaterhault for High Tea. Cost is £20.00

CHRISTIAN AID envelopes were given out at the gate today. Please fill your envelope and give back to Nancy Rundell.

There will be a Kirk Session meeting after the service next Sunday 20th May.



FOODBANK – Thank you all for your continued support through your donations via your church (especially at harvest thanksgiving) and local supermarket baskets. These donations have kept the foodbank very well stocked over the last year. However, we are now running low on toilet rolls, tinned fruit and long-life breakfast juice. If you are considering making a donation to the foodbank at this time, we would very much appreciate if you would consider giving one of these items.