Intimations Sunday 19th May 2019
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
Each Sunday morning in Hamilton Hall at 11.15am, there is a short time of prayer and meditation. Please feel free to come and join us you will be made very welcome.
Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am
There will be a Fabric Committee meeting on Wednesday in Hamilton Hall at 7.30pm.
Our Saturday Teas yesterday raised £358.05
Next Saturday is our Guild Outing to Dunfermline. Bus will leave Dalserf at
10.30am going on to Ashgill Shop and Netherburn Shop.
I wish to thank everyone for their prayers, messages of support, flowers and good wishes following my recent surgery. Ann Carson
There will be a Kirk Session meeting on Tuesday 28th May at 7.30pm in Rorison
Our local Nursing Homes will be visited on Friday 31st May. Clinton House at 1.45pm followed by Ballantine Court Unit A at 2.15pm and then Unit B at 2.45pm.
There will be a Safeguarding Training in Hamilton Gilmour Church on 18th June at 7.00pm. Anyone who is PVG checked and has not atended a training course should endeavour to go as training is being insisted upon by Presbytery. Places are limited. Please speak to Joanna Gilchrist for further information.
Sunday Worship on 26th May, will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am. The Service will be conducted by Revd John Stevenson.
The Choir will meet at 10.30am in Dalserf.
Monday 27th May Bible Study group will meet in Hamilton Hall Dalserf at 11.30am
On Saturday our Teas take place in Hamilton Hall, Dalserf Village from 12 noon – 4pm. We will meet every Saturday till 31st August. Come along and join us and enjoy good food, good company and Christian Fellowship.
Our local Nursing Homes will be visited on Friday 31st May. Clinton House at 1.45pm followed by Ballantine Court Unit A at 2.15pm and then Unit B at 2.45pm.