Becoming a Member of Dalserf Church
There are three ways of becoming a member of Dalserf Church :-
By Certificate of Transference
Any member of a Church of Scotland congregation wishing to become a member of Dalserf should ask their previous Minister or Session Clerk to send them a transference certificate (“lines”). This certificate should then be given to the Dalserf Roll Keeper with a view to the name being added to our roll of communicants. It is of course important that you take an active interest, otherwise such membership would be meaningless.
By Resolution of the Kirk Session
Where someone seeking membership has been a Church of Scotland member but cannot supply a certificate or if they are a baptised member of another denomination then the Kirk Session can resolve to admit them into membership.
By Profession of Faith
Where church membership is being sought for the first time, first and foremost, if you are not already doing so simply start to attend regularly. Let the minister know of your interest, he will invite you to a series of classes which involves no obligation on either side. Afterwards if you decide to join you would take vows of membership along with others at a church service