Order of Service Sunday 1st October 2017

Dalserf Parish Church

17th Sunday after Pentecost

Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Introit We are here to praise you

Call to Worship

Hymn: MP 560 Praise my soul, the King of heaven

Prayer of Approach

Hymn: CH4 688 By cool Siloam’s shady rill

Sacrament of Holy Baptism

Hymn: MP CH4 688 O thou whose infant feet were found

Philippians 2: 1 – 13 Joan Harvey
Matthew 21: 23 – 32 Revd. John Stevenson

Hymn: MP 64 Break Thou the bread of life

Sermon: “It’s never too late – Today”

Anthem – Jesus is the name we honour

Hymn: MP 323 I’m not ashamed to own my Lord

Offering and Prayer of Dedication
Prayers for others

Hymn: MP 449 Love divine, all loves excelling

Threefold Amen


The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen


CH4 688

By cool Siloam’s shady rill
How fair the lily grows!
How sweet the breath, beneath the hill,
Of Sharon’s dewy rose!
Lo! such the child whose early feet
The paths of peace have trod,
Whose secret heart, with influence sweet,
Is upward drawn to God.

O thou whose infant feet were found
Within thy Father’s shrine,
Whose years, with changeless virtue crowned,
Were all alike divine,
Dependent on thy bounteous breath,
We seek thy grace alone,
In childhood, manhood, age, and death,
To keep us still thine own.

Intimations Sunday 1st October 2017

Intimations Sunday 1st October

A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today.
There are welcome cards at the end of the pews. If you are a visitor please fill in one of these and place it in the offering plate. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. The Baptism will take place today of three generations. . A first for Dalserf.

Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am.

Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison.

Tuesday will be the McMillan Coffee morning in Dalserf Primary School between 10am – 11am.

Focus will meet on Thursday in Rorison at 1.45pm when the speaker will be David Doyle our Interim Moderator.

Our Boys Brigade will meet on Thursday night in Rorison.

On Saturday the Machan Trust will hold their Autumn Fayre in Trinity Church from 12noon – 2pm. Entry £2.00 for adults and £1.00 for children.

The latest news on Robert and Rosemay is that Robert is out of hospital and they hope to be home by Monday.

There will be no Kids Alive meeting at Dalserf or Netherburn Primary Schools until further notice. Please continue to remember Brian Lowry in your prayers.

Next Sunday here in Dalserf at 11.30am and then in Rorison at 2.30pm will be our Harvest Service. Please bring along a gift for the Harvest Table. Our Sunday pathfinders will be taking part in this service. The items received will have to be delivered to the Foodbank and the local Nursing Homes. Help with this on the Monday morning would be appreciated.

The Annual Subscription for Every Day with Jesus 2018 is £15.95. All those who wish to subscribe, please put your subscription in an envelope with your name and amount and give to Ann Carson by Sunday 22nd October. Thank you for your co-operation
Ann Carson.

Would you believe Christmas is approximately 13 weeks away and it is time again to think of those less fortunate than ourselves so we will be doing the shoe boxes appeal again this year. If you fill a box then please bring to Rorison on Sunday 5th November. The Communion service will be held in Rorison due to the decorating of the Church at Dalserf

Saturday 14th October there will be a Harvest Lunch in Hamilton Hall in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice. If you can help in any way please speak to Kay Blair. Tickets £10.00
Saturday 14th October St Machan’s Praise band 7.30pm in St Machan’s Church Larkhall. Tickets £5.00 available at the door. The concert will feature performers from youth musical theatre company Shine, Tickets are £5 and are available at the door.
Sunday 11th November Hamilton Caledonian Male Voice Choir in Dalziel St Andrew’s Church at 7.30pm in aid of replacement windows in the Church. Tickets are £5.00

Order of Service Sunday 24th September 2017

Dalserf Parish Church

16th Sunday after Pentecost

Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Introit: We are here to praise you

Call to Worship

Hymn: MP201 Guide me o thou great Jehovah

Prayer of Approach

Hymn: MP329 In Christ there is no East or West

Exodus 16: 2 – 15 Kay Blair
Matthew 20: 1 – 16 Rev J Stevenson

Hymn: MP64 Break Thou the bread of life

Sermon: “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”

Anthem: Beauty for brokeness

Offering and Prayer of dedication
Prayers for others

Hymn: MP415 Let us with a gladsome mind

Threefold Amen

Intimations Sunday 24th September 2017

Intimations Sunday 24th September

A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today.
There are welcome cards at the end of the pews. If you are a visitor please fill in one of these and place it in the offering plate. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.

Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am.

Our Girls Brigade will not meet tomorrow night due to the holiday.

Our Guild will meet on Wednesday night in Rorison when the speaker will be our President Kay Blair.

Our Boys Brigade will meet on Thursday night in Rorison.

Our local Nursing Homes will be visited on Friday. Clinton House at 1.45pm then Ballantine Court unit one at 2.15pm and unit two at 2.45pm.

There will be no Kids Alive meeting at Dalserf or Netherburn Primary Schools until further notice. Please continue to remember Brian Lowry in your prayers.

Robert and Rosemay Clarkson have been involved in a road accident. Robert is at present in hospital in Cambridge.

Tuesday 3rd October Dalserf School is holding a McMillan Coffee morning between 10am – 11am.
Thursday 5th October Focus returns in Rorison at 1.45pm when the speaker will be Rev David Doyle our Interim Moderator.
Saturday 7th October the Machan Trust will hold their Autumn Fayre in Trinity Church from 10am – 2pm. Entry £2.00 for adults and £1.00 for children.
Saturday 14th October there will be a Harvest Lunch in Hamilton Hall in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice. If you can help in any way please speak to Kay Blair. Tickets £10.00
Saturday 14th October St Machan’s Praise band 7.30pm in St Machan’s Church Larkhall. Tickets £5.00 available at the door. The concert will feature performers from youth musical theatre company Shine. Tickets are £5 and are available at the door.
Sunday 11th November Hamilton Caledonian Male Voice Choir in Dalziel St Andrew’s Church at 7.30pm in aid of replacement windows in the Church. Tickets are £5.00

Monday 23rd October help from members would be greatly appreciated to clear the Church. Time proposed 9am. It is thought that this will take a few hours, so if you wish to bring a packed lunch then tea and coffee will be provided in Hamilton Hall.

Painters will begin either 25th or 26th October. Not sure how long painting will take. When painters are finished it is proposed to employ a professional cleaning company.

Services at Rorison will be Sunday 29th October at 11.30am
Sunday 5th November (Communion) at 11.30am
Sunday 12th November at 11.30am

Restoring of the Church contents possibly Monday 13th November again at 9am. Tea and coffee will again be provided in Hamilton Hall.

It is hoped to be back in Dalserf on Sunday 19th November but this will depend on how long the painting and cleaning takes.