Intimations Sunday 22nd October
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. We extend a very warm welcome to Rev David Doyle who will be conducting our service.
There are welcome cards at the end of the pews. If you are a visitor please fill in one of these and place it in the offering plate. Soup, Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
Please remember that there will be no services here in Dalserf for the next three Sundays.
There will be a short Session Meeting immediately after the morning Service
Bible study will not meet tomorrow due to Hamilton Hall being used to house the Church contents.
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
Our Guild will meet on Wednesday in Rorison when the speaker will be from Crossreach.
Our Boys Brigade will meet on Thursday night in Rorison
The Nursing homes will be visited on Friday. Clinton House at 1.45pm, Ballantine Court Unit one at 2.15pm and Unit two at 2.45pm.
Rorison will have to be set up on Friday for the first service on 29th October. If you can help with this please be at Rorison for around 3.30pm on the 27th October.
The Annual Subscription for Every Day with Jesus is due today. This is £16.95.
Ann Carson
Christmas is not far away and it is time again to think of those less fortunate than ourselves so we will be doing the shoe boxes appeal again this year. If you fill a box then please bring to Rorison on Sunday 5th November. If possible can an envelope with £3.00 be placed inside the box, this is to cover the cost of postage. Many thanks.
Valerie Holmes is now home from hospital. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with her and John Grove. John will reach the wonderful age of 90 on Thursday 26th October. Kay has made him a beautiful card and it has been sent from the Congregation of Dalserf with our love and congratulations.
Crossford Church are having a “Night to Remember” on Saturday 11th November at 7pm.
Cost is £5.00. There will be a poster concerning this on the notice board.
If you are available tomorrow morning around 9am your help would be greatly appreciated in clearing the church for the decorators to begin on Tuesday.
Harvest Lunch.
Thanks to another generous donation we are delighted to report the final total raised for St. Andrew’s Hospice is £1000.00. We hope to present this to the Hospice at a morning Service after the painting of Dalserf is finished.
Sunday 11th November Hamilton Caledonian Male Voice Choir in Dalziel St Andrew’s Church at 7.30pm in aid of replacement windows in the Church. Tickets are £5.00
Monday 23rd October help from members would be greatly appreciated to clear the Church. Time proposed 9am. It is thought that this will take a few hours, so if you wish to bring a packed lunch then tea and coffee will be provided in Hamilton Hall.
Painters will begin either 24th or 25th October. Not sure how long painting will take. When painters are finished it is proposed to employ a professional cleaning company.
Services at Rorison will be Sunday 29th October at 11.30am
Sunday 5th November (Communion) at 11.30am
Sunday 12th November at 11.30am
Restoring of the Church contents possibly Monday 13th November again at 9am. Tea and coffee will again be provided in Hamilton Hall.
It is hoped to be back in Dalserf on Sunday 19th November but this will depend on how long the painting and cleaning takes.