Order of Service Sunday 6th January 2019
Dalserf Parish Church
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)
Welcome and Intimations
Introit In to the New Year with Hope and with Challenge
Call to Worship
Hymn: 324 Angels from the realms of glory
Prayer of Approach and Lord’s Prayer
Hymn: 327 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
Prayer for Illumination
Ephesians 3: 1 – 12 John McPhee
Matthew 2: 1 – 12 Revd. John Stevenson
Hymn: 326 As with gladness men of old
Sermon: “Are we Arrogant?”
Anthem A Hymn for the New Year
Offering and Prayer of Dedication
Prayers for others
Hymn: 323 The first Nowell the angel did say
Threefold Amen
In to the New Year with Hope and with Challenge
Into a New Year with hope and with challenge
Into a New Year with faith and with peace
Into a New Year with strength and with love
Open our minds, Lord, to hear your call to us
Spreading the message of your saving grace
Words and Music by Philip Fox
A Hymn For The New Year
This day is a day of both prayer and of praising,
of gathʹring the nations from east and from west,
the people far south, from the north are arising,
this day is the day when the nations are blessed.
This year is the year of divine consolation.
The poor will not stumble, the weak will not fall.
The hungry are feasting, the children are dancing.
The outcast are welcomed, they come at God’s call.
This vision of newness, of hope for the future,
is set out before us as challenge and choice,
yes this is the labour to which God is calling,
to bring in this kingdom, this cause to rejoice.
Tune: Road and the Miles to Dundee