Intimations Sunday 6th January 2019
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Soup, tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. There will be a service in Rorison today at 2.30pm.
Girls Brigade return Monday 7th January 2019 in Rorison Church
Our Guild will meet on Wednesday in Rorison. This will be our Business meeting and a Bring and Buy Table.
Focus meets in Rorison at 1.45pm on Thursday 10th Jan when the speaker will be Rev David Doyle
Any items for the February Newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor by next Sunday 13th January.
Our Christmas Appeal raised the sum of £200.00 which will be donated to the Hamilton Joint churches Drop in Centre.
Mary Grove has been moved to ward 13 in Wishaw General.
Some of you will remember May Greenhill. She had a bad fall and is unfortunately unable to walk. She also suffers from Alzheimer’s. She is being moved soon to Beechwood Care Home in Wishaw (Opposite Wishaw General)
Lily Hill is not too good at the moment.
Please remember all of these ladies in your prayers.
Monday 14th January Bible Study Hamilton Hall 11am
Tuesday 15th January The Gathering Hamilton Hall 12.30
Tuesday 22nd January Fabric Committee Meeting Hamilton Hall 7.30pm.
Guild Annual Burns Supper in Rorison on Wednesday 23rd January at 7pm. Put the date in your diary now and join us for what is a most enjoyable evening with good food, speeches and entertainment.
Tickets are available from Kay, Ann or Lily at £8.00
Friday 25th January Nursing Home visits
Tuesday 29th January Kirk Session Meeting Rorison
Week Beginning 10th Jan 2019
Sunday Worship on 13th Jan will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am conducted by Revd John Stevenson.
The Choir will meet at 10.30am in Dalserf.
Bible Study meets in Hamilton Dalserf on Monday 14th Jan at 11.00am
Girls Brigade meet on Monday 14th Jan in Rorison Church Ashgill
The Gathering will meet at 12.30 in Hamilton Hall Dalserf on Tuesday 15th Jan