Intimations Sunday 13th January 2019
Intimations Sunday 13th January
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Soup, tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. Rev David Doyle will be conducting our service today and we extend a warm welcome to him.
Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am.
Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison.
The Gathering will meet on Tuesday in Hamilton Hall at 12.30. Soup, tea and biscuits will be served, please bring along any other snacks you may require.
Any items for the February Newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor today.
Our love and congratulations go to John McPhee who celebrates his 80th Birthday on Wednesday. Also to David Gilchrist our Newsletter Editor who celebrates his 50th Birthday on Saturday.
David McIntosh, Douglas Drive, Ashgill passed away at home on Friday 11th January.
Betty Gillespie, Ashgillhead Road, Ashgill also passed away at home on Friday 11th January.
Rev John Stevenson has been to visit both families. No Funeral arrangements are known at present.
Our thoughts and prayers are with both families at this sad time
Mary Grove has been moved to ward 13 in Wishaw General.
May Greenhill has been moved to Beechwood Care Home in Wishaw. She is on the first floor Room 38. She is apparently settling in nicely.
Lily Hill is not too good at the moment.
Please remember all of these ladies in your prayers.
Tuesday 22nd January Fabric Committee Meeting Hamilton Hall 7.30pm.
Guild Annual Burns Supper in Rorison on Wednesday 23rd January at 6.45 for 7pm. Tickets £8.00 each are available from Kay, Ann or Lily. Please give the ladies your name for catering purposes.
Friday 25th January Nursing Home visits
Tuesday 29th January The Gathering
Tuesday 29th January Kirk Session Meeting Rorison
Week Beginning 14th Jan 2019
Sunday Worship on 20th Jan will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am conducted by Revd John Stevenson.
The Choir will meet at 10.30am in Dalserf.
Bible Study meets in Hamilton Dalserf on Monday 21st Jan at 11.00am
Girls Brigade meet on Monday 21st Jan in Rorison Church Ashgill
Guild Annual Burns Supper in Rorison on Wednesday 23rd January at 7pm. Information and tickets at £8.00 each can be obtained from 01698 882499
Friday 25th January the Local Nursing Homes will be visited starting at Clinton House at 1.45pm