Sunday Worship, 25th September 2022. Order of Service

Order of Service
Sunday 25th September, 2022, 11.30am
Rededication of Guild

This morning Service will be led by Revd David Doyle

A warm welcome is extended to all.
Please join us for a time of fellowship and refreshment in Hamilton Hall after the service

Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Praise CH4 111 Holy, holy, holy


Praise CH4 179 Ye holy angels bright

Malachi 3: 1-12 Kay Blair
Acts 12: 6-17 Revd David Doyle

Praise CH4 498 Angel voices ever singing



Praise CH4 528 Make me a channel of your peace

Guild Act of Dedication

CH4 130 Ye servants of God your Master proclaim

Benediction & 3 Fold Amen


A warm welcome is extended to all joining us for worship today.

A special warm welcome to Revd. David Doyle.
The Re-dedication of our Guild will take place during today’s service

The service this morning will be recorded for the Church Website and YouTube.

Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service.

There will be no Girls Brigade tomorrow night due to the holiday weekend.

The flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Margaret Weir
The flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Hazel Blair & Mrs Angela King

Please continue to pray for those people on the prayer list
Rita and Somerville, Somerville is still in hospital
John Grove, Forbes Gillespie, George Gillespie, Norval Toryusen, Anne Brown, Willie Miller, Colin and Marion McAllister, David Wells, Mary Grove and Jean McMillan both still in hospital. Chanti Raju Karini of the Good News Ministry Chanti has been very unwell recently.

This will take place this coming Saturday 1st October 2022 in Bellshill Baptist Church. A flier concerning this can be seen on the notice board outside and Hamilton Hall. Please try to attend this if you can, as you would be supporting a very good cause. If you are planning to attend this, can you please let me know as Bill would like numbers in advance of Saturday
This will take place here in Dalserf next Sunday 2nd October.
We ask for monetary donations which will be given to the local food bank who can then purchase the appropriate items to support the community.
Offering baskets will be available on the chancel.

October Newsletters are available for uplift and delivery today.

Our service next Sunday will again be conducted by Revd David Doyle