Order Of Service Sunday 27th October 2019
Dalserf Parish Church
20th Sunday after Pentecost
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able
Welcome and Intimations
Introit: MP 163 From the rising of the sun
Hymn: 110 Glory be to God the Father
Prayer of Approach
Hymn: 600 Spirit of God, unseen as the wind
Prayer for Illumination
2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18 Mike Taylor
Luke 18: 9 – 14 Revd. John Stevenson
Hymn: 551 In heavenly love abiding
“ Proud to be Humble!”
Anthem: MP 181 God forgave my sin
Offering and Prayer of dedication
Prayers for others
Hymn: 529 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
(Tune: Warrington)
Threefold Amen