Intimations Sunday 20th October 2019
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our Service today. Soup, Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
Each Sunday morning in Hamilton Hall there is a short time of prayer and meditation. Please feel free to come and join us, you will be made very welcome.
Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am
Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
At the Kirk Session meeting on Tuesday in Rorison. It was agreed to appoint Revd John Stevenson as our Interim Moderator, The Kirk Session voted on whether to remain with the practice of the Church of Scotland regarding same sex relationships in relation to the vacancy or to depart from same. I have to inform you that the decision of the Kirk Session was to remain.
Our Guild will meet on Wednesday when the speaker will be Adventures in Curling by Aileen and Michael Neilson.
From Wednesday of this week 23rd October to Saturday 26th October Glasgow Light Opera will perform ALL SHOOK UP, a Shakespearean story adapted and inspired by and featuring the songs of Elvis Presley.
This Friday 25th October Cleland Parish Church are having an EVENING OF SONG with Stonehouse Male Voice Choir. Doors are open 7pm Cost is £5.00 payable at the door.
Our local Nursing Homes will be visited this Friday. Beginning with Clinton House at 1.45pm.
This coming Saturday 26th October here in Dalserf Church there will be a Memorial Service conducted by the Revd John Stevenson in memory of Margaret Wilson. After the service there will be a light lunch served in Hamilton Hall provided by the Guild of which Margaret was a much loved member.
It is that time of year again and whilst Christmas is still some months away, the Shoebox Appeal has to get under way. Lily has the details for this. The boxes have to be filled and be here in the Church for the last Sunday in October 27th. We will then take them for delivery on Friday 1st November. If possible please include an envelope with £2.00 to help with transportation.
Our Harvest Lunch took place yesterday in Hamilton Hall. There was a great turn out and our grateful thanks go to those people who attended. The food served was excellent and our thanks go to Kay for her co-ordination of this, to those ladies s& gentlemen who provided the food and to those who helped serve it and clear up at the end. The amount raised was £865.00. This will be shared with Kilbride Hospice and Rachel House. However if you still wish to make a donation to these charities it is not too late. Just put it in an envelope and pass to Kay or Lily.
Hilton Bradey has successfully undergone hip replacement surgery yesterday and we are delighted to report he is doing well. Please keep Hilton and Linda in your thoughts and prayers.
The Flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Janet Tennant.
The Flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Rosemay Clarkson
A member of our congregation has a solid oak dining table, (table only, no chairs), which will seat 8, looking for a good home. If you are interested please speak to Joan Pollok for details.
Week Beginning 24th October 2019
On Saturday 26th October in Dalserf Church at 11.00am there will be a Memorial Service conducted by the Revd John Stevenson in memory of Margaret Wilson
Sunday Worship on 27th October, will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am will be conducted by Revd John Stevenson. The choir will meet at 10.30am
Bible Study meets on Monday 28th October in Hamilton Hall at 11.00am.
Girls Brigade meets on Monday 28th Oct in Rorison Church Ashgill
There is an opportunity to donate a show box to the Blythewood Christmas appeal. These should be in Dalserf Church by this Sunday, 27th October. Details available from Lily Budgell
Sunday 3rd November Communion Dalserf 11.30am Rorison 2.30pm.
Guild Christmas Fayre 16th November.
ROCK CHOIR in concert Friday 29th November St Andrew’s Church Blantyre. This is an evening not to be missed. Tickets £10. Doors open at 6.45pm Concert starts at 7.30pm
Poster on notice board.