Sunday Worship, 4th December 2022. Order of Service.
Order of Service
Sunday 4th December 2022
2nd Sunday of Advent
This morning Service will be led by Revd Fiona Anderson
A warm welcome is extended to all.
Please join us for a time of
fellowship and refreshment
in Hamilton Hall after the service
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)
Welcome and Intimations
Lighting the Candle
A candle is burning, a candle of PEACE
A candle to signal that conflict must cease
For Jesus is coming to show us the way
A message of peace humbly laid in the hay
(Sung to Away in a Manger)
Call to Worship
Praise CH4 543 Longing for light, we wait in darkness
Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
All Age Talk
Praise CH4 302 It was on a starry night
Isaiah 40: 3-5 Revd Fiona Anderson
Malachi 3:1-4
Matthew 3 :1-12 Philip Fox
Praise CH4 277 Hark the glad sound, the Saviour comes
Prayer of Intercession & Dedication of Offering
Praise CH4 291 When out of poverty is born
Praise CH4 448 Lord, I come to your awesome presence
Benediction & 3 Fold Amen
A warm welcome is extended to all joining us for worship today.
A special warm welcome to Revd Fiona Anderson.
Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service.
The service this morning will be recorded for the Church Website and YouTube.
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
On Wednesday there will be a Carol Service in St John’s Church Hamilton at 1.30pm
On Friday this week we are visiting Clinton House Nursing Home for a Carol Service at 1.30pm. Please come and join us if you are able.
Our Christmas Appeal begins today, please take an envelope and card. Place your donation in the envelope, put your name on the card and hang it on the Christmas tree. The proceeds from this will go to the drop in Centre.
The Flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Lily Budgell.
The Flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Georgie Wells
Please continue to pray for those people on the prayer list
Rita and Somerville, John Grove, Mary Grove, Forbes Gillespie, George Gillespie, Norval Toryusen, Anne Brown, Willie Miller, Colin and Marion McAllister, David Wells, Jean McMillan, Chanti Raju Karini, Nicholas Gauld, Robert and Rosemay Clarkson
Added to the prayer list is Janet Tennant’s Great Nephew Frank, born 3 months premature weighing 1lb14oz, and his parents.
Also John Stevenson who is fairly unwell. Please pray for John and Isobel
On Tuesday Kay and myself took your gifts to Rorison and met with the Social Work Department to hand them over. There were a total of 63 gifts. The people from the SW Dept were extremely grateful. Well done everyone.
CHURCH DIARIES are available for 2023. They are on the front pew. Please help yourself.
There will be a Kirk Session meeting at the end of the Service today.
Our Service next week will be conducted by Revd David Doyle
The Sacrament of Baptism will take place at this service.
Wednesday 14th December Guild Lunch Garrion Bridges
Monday 19th Girls Brigade Carols, Coffee and Award Presentation Rorison 7pm – 8pm
Saturday 24th December Watchnight Service in Dalserf 11.30pm This will be preceded by light refreshments in Hamilton Hall from 10pm.
Sunday 25th December Service in Dalserf 11.30am conducted by the Elders
Sunday 1st January 2023 Service in Dalserf 11.30am conducted by the Elders