Sunday Worship, 29th May 2022. Order of Service.
Order of Service
Sunday 29th May 2022
Ascension Sunday
This morning Service will be led by Revd Bill Murdoch
A warm welcome is extended to all. Please join us for a time of fellowship and refreshment in Hamilton Hall after the service
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)
Welcome and Intimations
Call to Worship
Psalm 8 Revd Bill Murdoch
Praise CH4 132 Immortal, invisible, God only wise
Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Praise CH4 436 Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Poem “A hymn to God the Father”
Intercessors Prayer & Dedication of Offering
Hebrews 2:5-13 John McPhee
Praise CH4 547 What a friend we have in Jesus
Benediction & 3 Fold Amen
A warm welcome is extended to all joining us for worship today
A special warm welcome to Revd Bill Murdoch
The service this morning will be recorded for the Church Website and
Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service
The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated here in
Dalserf next Sunday 5th June at 11,30am
Jubilee Garden Party, hosted by the Guild will take place at ‘
Hamilton Hall on Thursday 9th June at 1.30pm. This is an
open afternoon and we invite members of the congregation
and friends to join us. Numbers will be limited so get your
ticket from Kay, Ann or Lily. The cost is £6.00 per head
This is an open invite to both gals and guys so come on gents
treat the lady in your life to afternoon tea.
A meeting took place on Thursday evening to re start Saturday Teas.
If you are interested in helping with this a further meeting will take place on Monday 13th June in Rorison at 7.00pm
We do not only need bakers. We need people to serve, take money, wash dishes, give donations and most important extend Dalserf Fellowship.
If you would like to help and intend coming to the meeting please give your name to Mike Taylor.
Annual Arts & Crafts
Wednesday 15th June – Saturday 18th June
Wed – Fri 10am – 9pm
Sat 10am – 1pm
Proceeds to Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health
Entrance £1 Coffee Bar – Home Baking
Contact number available if you wish to exhibit
The flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Dorothy Noble
The flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Louise Lawrie
Please continue to pray for those people on the prayer list
Rita and Sommerville. Sommerville is doing good, hoping to
get moved to Stonehouse. Willie Miller, Colin and Marion
McAllister, John Grove, Mary Grove, Forbes Gillespie still
In hospital, Margaret Kent, Margaret is in the Beatson Hospital
Anne Brown, Norval Toryusen , Janette McPhee.
Our Communion Service next Sunday will be conducted by
Revd John Stevenson