Sunday Worship, 20th November 2022. Order of Service.
Sunday 20th November, 2022
This morning Service will be led by Revd Bill Murdoch
A warm welcome is extended to all.
Please join us for a time of fellowship and refreshment in Hamilton Hall after the service
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)
Welcome and Intimations
Call to Worship
Colossians 1:15-23Revd Bill Murdoch
Praise: MP 392 ‘Join all the glorious names of wisdom……..’
Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Praise: MP 143 ‘Fight the good fight’
Prayer of intercession
Dedication of offering
1 Timothy 1:12-2:7 John McPhee
Praise: MP 702 ‘Through all the changing scenes of life…’
Praise: MP 624 ‘Take my life and let it be’
Benediction & 3 Fold Amen
A warm welcome is extended to all joining us for worship today.
A special warm welcome to Bill Murdoch.
Tea and Coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service.
The service this morning will be recorded for the Church Website and YouTube.
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
The Flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Joan Pollok
The Flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Carol Prentice
Please continue to pray for those people on the prayer list
Rita and Somerville, John Grove, Mary Grove, Forbes Gillespie, George Gillespie, Norval Toryusen, Anne Brown, Willie Miller, Colin and Marion McAllister, David Wells, Jean McMillan, Cahnti Raju Karini, Nicholas Gauld.Also Robert and Rosemay Clarkson. Robert has had eye surgery and Rosie is
in Wishaw General being treated for pneumonia.
GUILD CHRISTMAS FAYRE This will take place in Hamilton Hall this coming Saturday 26th November at 11.30am – 3pm. Teas will be served and there will be the usual stalls. If you are able to contribute to any of the stalls, or feel you are able to help with serving of the teas or working on any of the stalls even if only for an hour or two, please get in touch with the President Kay Blair or any Guild member.
Also on Saturday 26th November St Mary’s Hall Biggar are hosting a Riding Lights Theatre Production of the Christmas Play “Nearly the Goat” Time 2.30pm and 7.30pm This is an action packed Christmas play for all the family.
CHRISTMAS GIFT SERVICE Gifts for this should be in the Church by next Sunday 27th November or at Rorison by Tuesday 29th November at 11.30am for collection by the Social Work Department
NURSING HOME VISIT We are visiting Clinton House on Friday 9th December for a Carol Service at 1.30pm. These visits bring a lot of pleasure to the residents, so we would ask you to consider giving up an hour of your time on this date to come and put a smile on these elderly people’s faces.
GIRLS BRIGADE Our Girls Brigade are having a Carols, Coffee and Award Presentation on Monday 19th December in Rorison Church 7pm -8pm
Entry is free but donations will be gratefully received for the Local Foodbank.
A basket for this purpose will be at the door. A poster for this will be placed on the notice board in Hamilton Hall.
Our Service next week will be conducted by Revd Bev Gauld.