Sunday Worship, 17th April 2022. Order of Service.
Order of Service
Sunday 17th April 2022
He is Risen Indeed
This morning Service will be led by
Hazel Brooks Chaplain, Baptist Lay Preacher
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)
He Is Risen — He is Risen Indeed
Welcome and Intimations
Call to Worship
Risen Lord, Eternal and Almighty God, we come to you, today rescued by your holiness.
You have so loved us that you sent your only Son, our Lord, into this world for forgiveness of sins and for the reconciliation of justice.
We humble our hearts in praise and virtue.
Praise CH4 410 Jesus Christ is risen today Alleluia
Prayer of Thanksgiving & Confession.
Sheena Archibald
Praise CH4 419 Thine be the glory
Isaiah 53: 1-12 Kay Blair
Praise CH4 374 From Heaven You came (The Servant King)
READING – 2 & Sermon Pastor Hazel Brooks
Praise CH4 549 How deep the Father’s love for us
Dedication of Offering.
Prayer of Thanksgiving & Intercession
CH4 512 To God be the Glory (Great things He has done)
Benediction & 3 Fold Amen
A warm welcome is extended to all joining us for our Easter Sunday Service
A special warm welcome to Hazel Brooks who is conducting our service.
The service this morning will be recorded for the Church Website and Facebook page.
Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service.
The Funeral of Bill Anderson will take place on Tuesday 19th April in Blantyre Old at 2pm and 3pm at South Lanarkshire Crematorium.
Wednesday 20th April the Guild Easter Afternoon Tea at the Bridges Garden Centre. 12.45 for 1.00pm
Saturday 23rd April West of Scotland Guild Mini Gathering will be held in Springburn Parish Church from 12.30pm – 4.00pm. Time table and poster with details have been posted on notice board in Hamilton Hall or from Kay
The Ukrainian Bow Appeal raised £225.50. Thanks to all who donated.
The flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Kay Blair
The flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Linda Marshall
Please continue to pray for those people on the prayer list
Rita and Sommerville, Willie Miller, Colin and Marion McAllister,
Margaret Kent, John Grove, Mary Grove, Forbes Gillespie, Anne Brown and her son Alistair, Noral Toryusen, Helen Hamilton, Janette McPhee, Isobel McKenzie.
Those people who have recently been bereaved. Prim and her family, Christine Anderson and her family, the Kosic family.
Our service next week will be conducted by Revd Bev Gauld.
On Wednesday 18th May in Rorison at 7.15pm our Guild will be hosting an evening when the speakers will be Shanti and Lily Raju from Southern India. Shanti is the Founder of Good News Ministry.
They come highly recommended to us by Revd Bill Murdoch who will be conducting our service here in Dalserf on Sunday 29th May.
Please try to come along as this is open to everyone not just Guild members. It would be lovely if we could give them a hearty Dalserf Welcome.
As usual with anything hosted by the Guild. Tea will be served.