Order of Service Sunday 7th May 2017
Dalserf Parish Church
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)
Welcome and Intimations
Introit: I will sing, I will sing a song unto the Lord
Call to Worship
Hymn MP 203 Hail, thou once despised Jesus
Prayer of Approach and Lord’s Prayer
Time with the Sunday Pathfinders
Hymnc MP 760 When we walk with the Lord
Psalm 23 Anne McHolm
John 10: 1 – 10 Revd. John Stevenson
Hymn: MP 660 The Lord’s my shepherd
Sermon: The Shepherd’s Voice
Anthem: The Lord’s my Shepherd — Stuart Townend
Offering and Prayer of dedication
Prayers for others
Hymn MP 331 In heavenly love abiding
Threefold Amen