Order of Service Sunday 7th April 2019

Dalserf Parish Church


5th Sunday in LENT

Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Introit: CH4 24 I will always bless the Lord (Psalm 34)

Call to Worship

Hymn: 214 New every morning is the love

Prayer of Approach and Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: 604 Holy wisdom, lamp of learning

Prayer for Illumination

Philippians 4: 4b – 14 Mike Taylor
John 12: 1 – 8 Revd. John Stevenson

Hymn: 553 Just as I am, without one plea

Sermon: “What Else is There to Do?”

Anthem: 503 I will offer up my life

Offering and Prayer of Dedication
Prayers for others

Hymn: 502 Take my life, Lord, let it be


Threefold Amen