Order of Service Sunday 28th January 2018
Dalserf Parish Church
4th Sunday after Epiphany
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)
Welcome and Intimations
Call to Worship
Hymn: 449 Rejoice! The Lord is King
Prayer of Approach
Time with the Pathfinders
Hymn: 577 Christ be beside me
Deut 18: 15 – 20 Sheena Archibald
Mark 1: 21 – 28 Revd. John Stevenson
Hymn: 540 I heard the voice of Jesus say
Sermon: “Speaking on Behalf of God?”
Hymn: 291 When out of poverty is born
Offering and Prayer of dedication
Prayers for others
Hymn: 159 Lord, for the years
Threefold Amen