Order Of Service Sunday 24th November 2019

Dalserf Parish Church

Reign of Christ the King

Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Introit: 465 Meekness and Majesty

Hymn: 449 Rejoice! the Lord is King

Prayer of Approach

Hymn: 600 Spirit of God, unseen as the wind

Prayer for Illumination

Jer 23: 1 – 6 Joan Pollok
Luke 23: 33 – 43 Revd. John Stevenson

Hymn: 470 Jesus shall reign where’er the sun

Sermon: “Forgive Them”

Anthem: “The days are coming”, declared the Lord

Offering and Prayer of dedication
Prayers for others

Hymn: 457 All hail the power of Jesus name

Threefold Amen