Order of Service Sunday 24th February 2019
Dalserf Parish Church
7th Sunday after EPIPHANY
Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)
Welcome and Intimations
Call to Worship
Hymn: 125 Lord of all being, throned afar
Prayer of Approach and Lord’s Prayer
Hymn: 596 Breathe on me breath of God
Prayer for Illumination
Psalm 37: 1 – 11, 39 – 40 Anne McHolm
Luke 6: 27 – 38 Revd. John Stevenson
Hymn: 536 May the mind of Christ my Saviour
Sermon: “The Trouble With
Judging Others”
Anthem: 692 Jesus puts this song into our hearts
Offering and Prayer of Dedication
Prayers for others
Hymn: 544 When I needed a neighbour
Threefold Amen