Order Of Service Sunday 23rd February 2020

Dalserf Parish Church

Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Introit: This is the day the Lord has made

Call to Worship

Hymn: 125 Lord of all being, throned afar

Prayer of Approach and Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: 456 Christ is the world’s true light
(Tune: Nun Danket)

Prayer for Illumination

2 Peter 1: 16 – 21 Robert Clarkson
Matthew 17: 1 – 9 Revd. John Stevenson

Hymn: 465 Be thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart

“When God Speaks Unexpectedly”

Anthem: MP239 Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord

Offering and Prayer of dedication

Prayers for others

Hymn: 355 You, Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd
(tune: Regent Square)

Threefold Amen