Order of Service, 25th February 2024

Order of Service
Sunday 25th February 2024
The Service this morning will be led by Rev Fiona Anderson
A warm welcome is extended to all.
Please join us for a time of fellowship and refreshment in Hamilton Hall, after the service.
Entry of God’s Word
(please stand if you are able)
Welcome and Intimations
Introit This Little Light
Call to Worship Fiona vs from Psalm 27 1-5
Praise CH4 22 The Lord’s My Light
Prayer of Adoration, Confession and Lord’s prayer
Children’s Address Carry Your Cross
Praise MP 325 I’m Special (sung twice)
Scripture Reading Genesis 17 1-7 15-16 Rose MacGregor
Praise CH4 465 Be Thou My Vision *
Reflection based on Scripture
Praise CH4 212 Morning Has Broken *
Scripture Reading Mark 8 28—38 Rose MacGregor
Prayer of Thanksgiving, Supplication
Praise CH4 81 I To The Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes *
Reflection based on Scripture
Poem What Does it Mean to Lose One’s Life by Rev Carolyn Gillette
Uplift Of Offering and Offering Dedication
Praise CH4 512 To God Be The Glory *
Threefold Amen
NB Hymns marked with an * have been selected from the
Congregation’s list of favourite hymns, compiled before Christmas
Intimations Sunday 25th February 2024
A warm welcome is extended to all worshipping with us today
Our service today will be recorded for the Church Website and YouTube.
Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
Bible Study will meet in Hamilton Hall on Wednesday at 11am.
Our Guild will meet on Wednesday evening in Rorison at 7.15pm. This will be our AGM and Quiz.
If you have requested to be included on the Sunday School Rota and have not spoken to Joanna regarding your Church of Scotland PVG then please do so soon. Also if you are volunteering can you please speak to Tom and get your name on the rota.
The flowers this week were gifted by Bert Gold.
The flowers next week will be gifted by John Wilson.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated here in Dalserf next Sunday at 11.30. All Welcome
Future Events
Focus will meet in Rorison on Thursday 7th March at 1.45pm
Nursing Homes will be visited on Wednesday 13th March, beginning with Clinton House at 2pm.
Easter Services
Dalserf Primary School Wednesday 27th March 10am
Maundy Thursday “informal Communion” to be held outside in the Church garden by the Cross. Thursday 28th March 6.30pm
Good Friday service Friday 29th March 3pm
Easter Day Sunday 31st March 11.30am