Intimations Sunday 9th December 2018
Intimations Sunday 9th December
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Soup, tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. There will be a Carol Service here in Dalserf this evening at 7pm. This will feature the New Life Singers and the choirs from the two primary schools Dalserf and Netherburn. Money raised will go to The Scottish Huntington Association. The evening will be followed by refreshments in Hamilton Hall.
Bible study will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow at 11am.
There will be a Christmas Cheer Afternoon tomorrow in Kirkfieldbank Church Hall from 2p– 4pm. Admission is free. There will be Christmas Crafts, home baking, Music, Carols. Tea and coffee will be served.
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
On Wednesday in Rorison at 7.15pm. Our Guild will have their Annual Christmas Concert. The entertainment will again be provided by Kenny Mason and Friends. A delicious supper will be served. Please come along and support us and enjoy a lovely start to the Christmas Festivities.
Next Sunday the 16th December is our Gift Service. You are asked to bring along a gift for under the tree. Please place the gift in a Christmas bag instead of wrapping paper. This makes it easier for the Social Work Dept to check each gift. Also mark who the gift is suitable for and age group.
The Sacrament of Baptism will also take place at the service next Sunday.
Next Sunday afternoon 16th December at 3pm there will be Carols in the Park behind Crossford Village Hall at 3pm. Featuring Caroline Telfer fresh from her leading Role as “Truly Scrumptious” in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Followed by Hot drinks and Mince Pies in the village Hall. There will also be a special Seasonal Guest Appearance
Our Christmas Appeal begins today. Please place your donation in the envelope provided, write your name on the tag and hang it on the Christmas Tree. Money raised will go to the Drop In Centre in Larkhall.
Friday 21st December Nursing Home visits
Monday 24th December Watchnight service 11.30pm Dalserf
Preceded by Christmas Treats in Hamilton Hall from 10pm.
Guild Annual Burns Supper in Rorison at 7pm. Put the date in your diary now and join us for what is a most enjoyable evening with good food, speeches and entertainment.
Congratulations to David McPherson who turns 21 on Friday 14th December. Happy birthday David