Intimations Sunday 8th April 2018
Intimations Sunday 8th April
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Following the service our Congregational Lunch and AGM will take place in Hamilton Hall.
Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am.
There will be a meeting to discuss the Saturday Teas on Wednesday in Rorison at 7.30pm. If you feel that you would be able to help in anyway please come along.
Any items for the May newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor by next Sunday 15th April.
It is time again to draw up the new rota for tea after the Sunday Service. This is a valuable time of fellowship for those who stay. However there are only 5 couples on the rota and more help is desperately needed. If you feel you could help please speak to Kay Blair.
There will be a Praise Evening here in Dalserf next Sunday, 15th April at 7.15pm. This will feature the New Life singers with their Conductor Philip Fox
Guest Organist- PETER SHEPHERD (Organist/Director of Music, Bothwell Parish Church)
The evening will be led by Rev John Stevenson and will conclude with refreshments in Hamilton Hall.
Dalserf Open Day Saturday 5th May
Saturday Teas begin Saturday 12th May
Guild Outing Saturday 19th May
Last year Christians in Larkhall from several churches in the town and calling themselves Larkhall Christians Together approached South Lanarkshire Council to ask to be allowed to use premises owned by them in King Street Larkhall which had been closed.
The Council agreed and the premises were re-opened on 23 September last year with the title The Lighthouse. The premises comprise two interview rooms a third larger room used previously by The Credit Union, a spacious reception area in two parts with reception desk, a kitchenette and very well appointed ladies and gents toilets re-opened for public use. The building is used for a number of church-based and charitable activities.
A new use for the Lighthouse beginning this week is to facilitate the opportunity for anyone who wishes to speak in confidence to a Christian minister. Several local ministers have agreed to be involved in this.
There will be two opportunities in the week; Tuesdays 10.30 – 11.30 and Thursdays 1.30 – 2.30. No appointment is needed you can just drop in.