Intimations Sunday 5th November 2017
Intimations Sunday 29th October Rorison
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Soup, Tea and coffee will be served here in the small hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
Bible study will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow.
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night here in Rorison
Focus will meet here on Thursday when the speaker will be Mr Colin Ogilvie. Colin conducted our service on the 15th October at Dalserf.
Our Boys Brigade will meet on Thursday night here in Rorison
Christmas is not far away and it is time again to think of those less fortunate than ourselves so we will be doing the shoe boxes appeal again this year. If you fill a box then please bring to Rorison next Sunday. If possible can an envelope with £3.00 be placed inside the box, this is to cover the cost of postage. Many thanks.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed here in Rorison next Sunday at 11.30am.
There will be a retiring offering for the Poppy Fund and RAF Benevolent Fund next Sunday 5th November and also the following Sunday 12th November
Saturday 11th November Hamilton Caledonian Male Voice Choir in Dalziel St Andrew’s Church at 7.30pm in aid of replacement windows in the Church. Tickets are £5.00
Crossford Church are having a “Night to Remember” on Saturday 11th November at 7pm.
Cost £5.00 Tickets from Joan Pollok
Sunday 12th November Service at the Cenotaph in Netherburn at 11am and then at the Cenotaph in Ashgill at 11.15am followed by Remembrance Day service in Rorison at 11.30am.
Painters started work in the Church on Tuesday 24th October. When painters are finished a professional cleaning company will clean the Church. It is hoped to restore the contents of the Church on Monday 13th November and to be back in Dalserf for worship on Sunday 19th November.