Intimations Sunday 5th May 2019

A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. There will be a service in Rorison today at 2.30pm.

Each Sunday morning in Hamilton Hall at 11.15am, there is a short time of prayer and meditation. Please feel free to come and join us you will be made very welcome.

Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am.
House Group will meet tomorrow at 1.30pm.

Our Open Day took place yesterday and raised £1500,00. Thanks to all who helped with this wonderful achievement. Our Teasurer, Bruce Archibald, believes this is a record number of visitotrs to our Open Day with over 122 Teas being served. Whilst the raising of this sum of money is wonderful, much more so is the love and Christian Fellowship that we share one with another.

On Saturday our Teas begin in Hamilton Hall from 12 noon – 4pm. We will meet every Saturday from 11th May till 31st August. Our September Open Day will then be Saturday 7th September.

Any items for the June Newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor by next Sunday 12th May. This will be the last Newsletter till September. There will be no newsletter July and August.
So if you wish to have something put in please have it in the hands of the Editor by next Sunday.



There will be a Fabric Committee meeting on Wednesday 22nd May in Hamilton Hall at 7.30pm.

There will be a meeting to discuss the Elders Districts in Rorison on Thursday 23rd May at 7pm

The Guild Annual outing is going to Dunfermline on Saturday 25th May 2019. Anyone interested in joining us should give their name to Lily, Ann or Kay.

There will be a Kirk Session meeting on Tuesday 28th May at 7.30pm in Rorison

Our local Nursing Homes will be visited on Friday 31st May. Clinton House at 1.45pm followed by Ballantine Court Unit A at 2.15pm and then Unit B at 2.45pm.

Church News

Sunday Worship on 12th May, will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am. The Service will be conducted by Revd David Doyle.
The Choir will meet at 10.30am in Dalserf.

Monday 13th May Bible Study group will meet in Hamilton Hall Dalserf at 11.30am

On Saturday our Teas begin in Hamilton Hall from 12 noon – 4pm. We will meet every Saturday from 11th May till 31st August. Come along and join us and enjoy good food, good company and Christian Fellowship.

The Guild Annual outing is going to Dunfermline on Saturday 25th May 2019. There is still plenty space on the bus and anyone wishing should join us should contact any member of our Guild. The cost will be £25.00