Intimations Sunday 3rd December 2017
Intimations Sunday 3rd December 1st Sunday in Advent
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our Service today. Soup, tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. The Sacrament of Baptism will take place today of Katie Vanessa Hamilton daughter of Charles and Jane Hamilton, Angus Hugh James MacPhail and Ailsa Catherine MacPhail twin son and daughter of Colin and Pamela MacPhail. We warmly welcome them and their families to Dalserf. There will be a service in Rorison today at 2.30pm.
There will be a praise evening here in Dalserf tonight at 7pm. This will be led by Philip Fox and the Newlife singers. Refreshments will be served.
Bible study will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow.
House Group will meet tomorrow at 1.30pm
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
Our Guild Christmas dinner will take place in the Bowling Club Ashgill this Wednesday 6th December at 7pm. Cost is £12.00.
Focus will meet on Thursday at 12.30pm in Rorison when there will be a Christmas Celebration.
Our Boys Brigade will meet on Thursday night in Rorison
Our Love and Congratulations go to Somerville Fairley who celebrates his 80th Birthday on Friday 8th December.
Orchard House Nursing Home are having a Christmas Fayre this Saturday 9th December from 2pm – 4pm at Orchard House Crossford.
Church Diaries are available on the front pew. Please help yourself.
As requested by Presbytery a number of representatives of the congregation will attend the Presbytery meeting on Tuesday 5th December. Those attending will be Rev David Doyle Interim Moderator, Rev John Stevenson Locum, Mrs Elizabeth Lawson Presbytery Elder, Mrs Joan Pollok Session Clerk, Mrs Kay Blair, Mrs Sheena Archibald, Mrs Anne McHolm, Mrs Joan Harvey, Mrs Rae Hunter, Mr John McPhee. If you wish to know the outcome of the meeting you can speak to any of the above.
Kirk Session…there will be a short gathering of the Kirk Session with Rev David Doyle and the end of the Service.
Guild Christmas Sing-a-long with Kenny Mason and Friends on Wednesday 13th December in Rorison at 7pm. Cost £5.00
Gift service in Dalserf on Sunday 17th December. Please bring along a gift marking the age that the gift is suitable for.
Our local Nursing Homes will be visited on Friday 22nd December. Clinton House 1.45pm, Ballantine Court at 2.15pm and 2.45pm. If you are able please come along to all or some of the above and bring Christian Fellowship and Love to the Residents at this special time of year.
Sunday 24th December Christmas Treats will be served in Hamilton Hall at 10pm prior to the Watchnight service here in the Church at 11.30pm.