Intimations Sunday 31st December 2017
Intimations Sunday 31st December
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Soup, tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. There will be a service in Rorison next Sunday 7th January at 2.30pm
Today is the last opportunity to contribute to Our Christmas Appeal all donations will go to the Hamilton Joint Churches Drop in Centre.
It has been brought to our notice that some of the new Hymnals may have some pages missing. If whilst using one on a Sunday you notice this or any other mistakes can you please give to me at the end of the service.
There are some Church Diaries left. They are on the front pew please help yourself.
Any items for the February newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor by Sunday 14th January.
Our Girls Brigade will return on Monday 8th January
Our Guild will return on Wednesday 10th January when there will be a Business Meeting and a Bring and Buy. The Guild Burns Supper will take place on Wednesday 24th Jan. Tickets costing £8.00 will be available from next Sunday
Focus will meet on Thursday 11th January. Speaker to be confirmed.
Our Boys Brigade will return on Thursday 11th January