Intimations Sunday 2nd September 2018
Intimations Sunday 2nd September
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
Bible study will return tomorrow at 11am in Hamilton Hall
House Group will meet tomorrow at 1.30pm.
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
Our Open Day yesterday raised the sum of £1350.00. Once again grateful thanks to those who worked hard to raise this sum.
Focus will return on Thursday in Rorison when the speaker will be Rev John Stevenson
Boys Brigade resume this evening 6th Sept in Rorison Church Ashgill
Sunday Worship on 9th September will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am conducted by Rev John Stephenson. The choir will meet in Dalserf at 10.30am
Monday 10th September Bible Study will be held in Hamilton Hall, Dalserf at 11.00am
Girls’ Brigade also meet on Monday 10th September in Rorison Church Ashgill.
Wednesday 12th September is the opening night of the Guild for Session 2018 – 19 in Rorison Church, Ashgill at 7.15pm. Speaker for the evening is Rev John Stevenson
Boys Brigade will meet again on Thursday 13th September in Rorison Church Ashgill
Wednesday 12th September Guild Speaker Rev John Stevenson
Sunday 16th September Guild Rededication Service here in Dalserf
Tuesday September 25th Kirk Session will meet in Rorison at 7.30pm
Wednesday September 26th Guild
Friday September 28th Nursing Homes services