Intimations Sunday 29th April 2018

Intimations Sunday 29th April

A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.

Bible Study will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow at 11am.

Our Boys ‘Brigade on Thursday 3rd May, in Rorison Church Ashgill and again on 10th May. This will be their Annual Awards evening.

Sunday Worship on Sunday 6th May in Dalserf at 11.30am and again at Rorison Church Ashgill at 2.30pm. Both Services will be conducted by the Rev. John Stevenson
The choir will meet at 10.30am

Our Open Day will take place on Saturday from 11am – 3pm. There will be the usual stalls. Delicious teas will be served and the Vintage Cars and Bikes will be on display. This event brings in money to help finance our very beautiful Church, so please come along and lend your support. Donations to the stalls – Kay or Joan Baking for the teas – Liz Lawson or Dorothy Noble.

VACANCIES Our Church has need of someone to take on the task of Roll Keeper. The task of Roll Keeper entails keeping the Roll up to date and distributing the Communion Cards for each Communion March, June and November, a computer and printer will be necessary for this task. Here in Dalserf we pride ourselves in working hard to support our Church. Sometimes it is felt that these things should be left to others, but I am sure there are people within our congregation who have a great deal to offer in the way of help. If you feel able to help with the above please speak to the Session Clerk.

FOODBANK Thank you all for your continued support through your donations via your church (especially at harvest thanksgiving) and local supermarket baskets. These donations have kept the foodbank very well stocked over the last year. However, we are now running low on toilet rolls, tinned fruit and longlife breakfast juice. If you are considering making a donation to the foodbank at this time, we would very much appreciate if you would consider giving one of these items.


Rorison Service Sunday 6th May 2.30pm
Saturday Teas begin Saturday 12th May 12noon – 4pm.
Guild Outing Saturday 19th May

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