Intimations Sunday 28th October 2018
Intimations Sunday 28th October
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. The Ordination of New Elders will take place at this service.
Bible study will meet in the Sanctuary at Rorison tomorrow at 11am.
Our Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
Focus will meet on Thursday in Rorison at 1.45pm when the speaker will be Jean Dawson
Lanarkshire Supporter Group are having a Soup and Dumpling lunch at the Bowling Pavilion in Hamilton on Saturday from 1 – 3pm. Tickets are £8.00 and are available from Rae Hunter or Lorna Brodie. This is on behalf of the SSPCA.
Next Sunday here in Dalserf the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated at 11.30am and then at Rorison at 2.30pm. There will be a retiring offering after both services for the Earl Haig Fund.
Our Guild met on Wednesday and we had a lovely evening hearing about Robert Burns and his wife Jean Armour. The usual tasty supper was served and we also acquired two new members Mr & Mrs Robert Clarkson, giving Dalserf Guild their first male member. Come on gentlemen.
Payment is now due for the Bible reading notes “Every Day with Jesus” This is £17.00. Can you please place your payment in an envelope with your name and give to Kay Blair (Ann is at her niece’s) as soon as possible.
Today was the last day for the Shoe Box Appeal. However if you have not managed to bring your box to the Church, Please let Joan Pollok or Kay Blair know and we will try to get them from you before Friday which is the day of uplift.
Mary Grove has had another bad fall injuring her elbow and her wrist. Please keep Mary in your thoughts and prayers.
Hamilton Hall will be open again for use next Sunday 4th November.
On Monday 5th November St Machan’s Church Men’s Club are having a St Andrew’s Night Concert featuring the group “Scottish Music like the Corries” Time is 7.30pm Tickets are £5.00 and include refreshments.
Tuesday 6th November The Gathering will meet in Hamilton Hall at 12.30. Soup, tea, and biscuits will be served. Please bring along any other snacks you may require.
Wednesday 7th November Kirk Session meeting Rorison 7.30pm.
Thursday 8th November Stonehouse Jubilee Club is holding a WW! Community Open Day in Stonehouse Lifestyles Centre from 1.30-3.30. Cost is £3.00 for non-members. Proceeds will go to support Stonehouse Men’s Shed. More information can be found on the poster in Hamilton Hall or from Kay.
Sunday 11th November is Remembrance Sunday. Services will take place at Netherburn Cenotaph at 10.45am Ashgill Cenotaph at 11am and then at Dalserf Church at 11.30am.
There will be a retiring offering on Sunday 4th November (Communion) and Sunday 11th November going to the Earl Haig Fund.
A meeting which may interest the Congregation will take place in Dalziel St Andrew’s Church Motherwell will take place on Thursday 15th November. The details are below.
An evening with Sir Harry Burns
On Thursday November 15, 2018
7.30 – 9.00pm
Venue: Motherwell: Dalziel St. Andrews Church, Merry Street