Intimations Sunday 26th November 2017
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our Service today. Soup, tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
BIBLE STUDY will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow.
GIRLS BRIGADE will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
BOYS BRIGADE will meet on Thursday night in Rorison
GUILD CHRISTMAS FAYRE took place yesterday. Grateful thanks go to everyone who helped to make this possible.
THE NEW CH4 HYMN BOOKS will be dedicated today. If you have paid to dedicate a Hymn Book the labels are on the Communion Table please come after the service take your label and place in one of the books.
NEXT SUNDAY 3rd December there will be an ADVENT PRAISE EVENING here in Dalserf at 7pm. This will be led by Philip Fox and the New Life singers. Refreshments will be served.
NEWSLETTERS are available for uplift today.
CHURCH DIARIES are available on the front pew. Please help yourself.
GUILD CHRISTMAS DINNER will take place in the Bowling Club Ashgill on Wednesday 6th December at 7pm. Cost is £12.00. This is open to any members of the congregation who might wish to attend. If you would like to attend, please give your name to our President Kay Blair or Ann Carson
ORCHARD NURSING HOME CROSSFORD is having a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 9th December from 2pm – 4pm at Orchard House.
GUILD CHRISTMAS SING-A-LONG and refreshments with KENNY MASON AND FRIENDS on Wednesday 13th December in Rorison at 7pm. Cost £5.00. Tickets from Kay Blair
GIFT SERVICE in Dalserf on Sunday 17th December. Please bring along a gift marking the age that the gift is suitable for.
SUNDAY 24TH DECEMBER CHRISTMAS TREATS will be served in Hamilton Hall at 10pm prior to the Watchnight service here in the Church at 11.30pm.