Intimations Sunday 21st May 2017
Intimations Sunday 21st May
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today.
There are welcome cards at the end of the pews. If you are a visitor please fill in one of these and place in the offering plate. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
There is a prayer meeting in Hamilton Hall each Sunday at 11.10am. Please join us for a short time of prayer before the service. If you would like further Information please speak to Sheena Archibald.
Rita is still in Wishaw General. Ward 8 They have changed her medication and she is responding well.
Our Boys Brigade will meet on Thursday night in Rorison. This will be their Award Ceremony and also their Captain Mr Eric Budgell’s last night. Please try to come along and support the boys and to wish Eric a very happy retirement.
Our local Nursing Homes will be visited on Friday. Clinton House at 1.45pm, Ballantine Court Unit A at 2.15pm and Unit B at 2.45pm. Anyone who can manage to all or some of these will be made most welcome.
Our Saturday Teas yesterday raised the sum of £248.94
Our Guild outing took place yesterday to Dumfries. Everyone enjoyed a very pleasant day with an excellent High Tea in the Globe Inn bringing the day to a very successful close.
It has been brought to our notice that when the Church money is being counted on a Sunday that there are a number of occasions when people enter the room where this is taking place. These interruptions are extremely disturbing to those counting the money so can we please ask that no one enters the room until the counting of the money is completed.
In Hamilton Hall there is a box of items for sale from St Andrew’s Hospice. Please have a look at the items in question and help to raise funds for a very good cause.
Clyde, Avon and Nethan Foodbank.
Since it opened in October 2013, the foodbank has been very generously supported both by gifts of food as well as financial donations from the community at large and local businesses and for which we are extremely thankful.
The most recent financial donation received amounted to £3,699.31 and came from the Co-op’s Community Cash Back Award. Our grateful thanks go to the Co-op and all its customers. You are continuing to help feed both adults and children in need throughout our local community.
May God Bless you all.