Intimations Sunday 20th August 2017
Intimations Sunday 20th August
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today.
There are welcome cards at the end of the pews. If you are a visitor please fill in one of these and place it in the offering plate. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
We extend our grateful thanks to Julian Hodgson who has very kindly stepped in to play for us today and next Sunday.
Our Saturday Teas yesterday raised the sum of £532.17
Our Kirk Session met with the Review Committee on Tuesday. The meeting was very successful and the committee were very impressed with the work that is being done here in Dalserf. We now wait for their report to go to the Presbytery. Anyone wishing to discuss this further, please speak to myself or any of the Elders.
There will be a Fabric Committee meeting on Tuesday in Hamilton Hall at 7.30pm.
Our Girls Brigade will enrol tomorrow night between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. in Rorison.
Brian Lowry the leader of Kids Alive has apparently been ill and is now recuperating on the island of Skye. He has asked for us to keep him in our thoughts and prayers at this time. He is hoping to be well enough for Kids Alive to start back on Monday 4th September.
Saturday 2nd September Open Day
Sunday 3rd September Rorison Service at the new time of 2.30pm
Sunday 3rd September Pathfinders return
Sunday 17th September Guild re-dedication Service.