Intimations Sunday 1st March 2020
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our Communion service today.
The Funeral of Mrs Anna Baillie will take place in Dalserf on Wednesday 4th March at 10.15am and thereafter at Daldowie Crematorium at 11.45. This will be conducted by Revd John Stevenson.
House Group will meet tomorrow at 1.30pm
The Gathering will meet on Tuesday in Hamilton Hall at 12.30. Soup, tea and biscuits will be provided. Please bring along any other eats you may require.
Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow here in Rorison. The Girls Brigade Pancake night last Monday was a great success and the sum of £445 was raised. The Captain Ann Price wishes to express her thanks to those members from Dalserf who came along and supported them.
Focus will meet on Thursday here in Rorison at 1.45pm. The speaker will be Revd Steven Reid from Crossford Church.
This Friday 6th March will be World Day of Prayer held this year in Trinity Church Larkhall at 2pm. The Service has been written by the Christian women of Zimbabwe.
St Andrew’s Hospice have asked us to display their poster advertising their Make a Will Month. Poster on the notice board.
Our Love and Congratulations go to Mrs Rita Fairley who celebrates her 80th Birthday tomorrow. Also to Mrs Nan Mathieson who celebrates her 99th Birthday on Friday.
Congratulations must also go to our Session Clerk Joan and her Husband Andy as they celebrate their Golden Wedding on 6th March.
The next service here in Rorison will be Sunday 5th April.
Week Beginning 5th March 2020
Focus will meet today Thursday 5th March in Rorison at 1.45pm when the speaker will be Revd Steven Reid from Crossford Church
Sunday Worship on 8th March 2020 will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am conducted by Revd John Stevenson. The choir will meet in Dalserf at 10.30am in Dalserf.
Bible study will meet on Monday 9th March in Hamilton Hall at 11.00am.
Girls Brigade meets in Rorison Church on Monday 9th March 2020.
Wednesday 11th March will be the Guild AGM and Quiz night
Wednesday 11th March Guild AGM and Quiz.
Sunday 15th March Kirk Session meets Dalserf 11am
Thursday 19th March Dalserf Primary Easter Tea. 3 – 4,30pm Adults £5.00 Child £2.50
Donations of baking will be gratefully received.
Tuesday 24th March The Gathering
Wednesday 25th March Guild Closing Social Luckenbooth Folk Band
Thursday 26th March Lighthouse Larkhall 6.30pm.
Friday 27th March Nursing Home
Monday 30th March GB Awards night Rorison
Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7
Psalm 32
Romans 5:12-19
Matthew 4:1-11