Intimations Sunday 15th March 2020

A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Soup, Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.

There will be a meeting of the Kirk Session in Hamilton Hall today at 1pm.

Each Sunday morning in Hamilton Hall there is a short time of prayer and meditation. Please feel free to come and join us, you will be made very welcome.

Our Girls Brigade will no longer meet until the current situation with Covid-19 is resolved.

St Andrew’s Hospice have asked us to display their poster advertising their Make a Will Month. This will be in Hamilton Hall.

Please remember Liz Lawson in your prayers. Liz is undergoing surgery today for a hip replacement.

It is with sadness that we announce the death of Mrs Janette Price. Janette was Ann Price’s Mother in Law. The funeral will take place at South Lanarkshire Crematorium on Friday 20th March at 2.45pm.
Joyce Hughes, wife of Jim who had been an Elder in Dalserf, also passed away on Monday. The Funeral is on Wednesday 18th March, 1.00pm in Larkhall Co-op Service Room and thereafter at South Lanarkshire Crematorium for 2.00pm.
Our thoughts and prayers are with both families at this sad time.

Any items for the April Newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor today. Sorry for the short notice this intimation was omitted last Sunday.

The Flowers this week were gifted by the Baillie Family
The Flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Isobel Stevenson

The Reader next Sunday will be Rosemay Clarkson


Tuesday 24th March The Gathering
Wednesday 25th March Guild Closing Social Luckenbooth Folk Band
Thursday 26th March Lighthouse Larkhall 6.30pm
Friday 27th March Nursing Homes
Sunday 29th March Session meeting after Church service
Monday 30th March Girls Brigade Award night

Sunday Worship on 22nd March 2020 will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am conducted by Revd John Stevenson. The choir will meet in Dalserf at 10.30am in Dalserf.
Sunday Worship will continue, at present, during the current crisis.

All other activities and group meetings are suspended or cancelled until further notice. This includes the Guild Closing Social with Luckenbooth scheduled for 25th March.

Meeting to discuss Saturday Teas Wednesday 8th April Rorison 7pm.

Guild Outing Saturday 16th May


Exodus 17:1-7
Psalm 95
Romans 5:1-11
John 4:5-42