Intimations Sunday 15th December 2019
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our Gift Service today. Soup, Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. Here in Dalserf this evening at 7pm there will be a Christmas Musical Evening. This will include the choirs from both Primary Schools. There will be tea and coffee served in Hamilton Hall at the end of the evening.
Each Sunday morning in Hamilton Hall there is a short time of prayer and meditation. Please feel free to come and join us, you will be made very welcome.
Today, Sunday 15th December at 2.00pm the annual Carols in the Park will take place in Crossford just behind the Village Hall. This will be followed by hot drinks and mince pies in the Village Hall.
Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am.
Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
On Friday we will visit the Nursing Homes. Clinton House at 1.45pm. Ballantine Court Unit A 2.15pm and Ballantine Court Unit B 2.45pm. Since this is our Christmas visit, it would be nice if some members of the congregation could come along and help us sing Christmas Carols.
The Residents really look forward to our visits and we are made very welcome.
Our Christmas Appeal is ongoing. Please place your donation in the envelope provided. Write your name on the card and place on the Christmas Tree. The money raised will go to the Drop in Centre in Hamilton.
The Flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Rae Hunter
The Flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Kay Blair
Tuesday 24th December Watchnight Service Dalserf 11.30pm This will be preceded by Christmas goodies in Hamilton Hall from 10pm.
Lighting the Advent Candle
A Candle is burning, a flame warm and bright,
A candle of HOPE in winter’s dark night.
While angels sing blessing from heaven’s starry sky,
Our hearts we prepare now for Jesus is nigh
A candle is burning, a candle of Peace;
A candle to signal that conflict must cease.
For Jesus is coming to show us the way;
A message of Peace humbly laid in the hay.
(tune: Away in a manger)
Week Beginning 19th Dec 2019
Sunday Worship on 22nd December will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am and will be conducted by Revd John Stevenson. This will be a Family Service. The choir will meet at 10.30
Our Christmas Appeal will continue throughout the month of Dec. The money raised will go to the Drop in Centre in Hamilton.
On Friday we will visit the Nursing Homes. Clinton House at 1.45pm. Ballantine Court Unit A 2.15pm and Ballantine Court Unit B 2.45pm. This is our Christmas visit and we invite anyone interested to join us for these short times of Worship and Fellowship.
Tuesday 24th December Watchnight Service Dalserf 11.30pm. This will be preceded by Christmas goodies in Hamilton Hall from 10pm. Please join us for this special time of fellowship and worship.