Intimations Sunday 14th October 2018

Intimations Sunday 14th October

A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today which
will be conducted by Rev David Doyle Interim Moderator, as John is on holiday.

There will be no Bible Study tomorrow. But we will meet in the Sanctuary at Rorison the following Monday 22nd October at 11am.

Any items for the November Newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor today.

At our Guild on 24th October Jane Brown, retired licensee of the Globe Inn Dumfries and Past President of the Robert Burns World Federation, will speak on her life with Robert Burns and her love of Jean Armour.
Visitors would be made most welcome.

Andrew Gilmour is still unwell and we would ask you to keep him in your prayers.


Hamilton Hall will be closed from and including Sunday 14th October till further notice due to the refurbishment of the flooring and painting of the premises.

There will be a Service of Thanksgiving on Wednesday 24th October at 1.30pm in Trinity Church Larkhall This is for all the support that has been received by the Foodbank in the five years that it has been in operation. Tea, coffee and home baking will be served in the hall afterwards. If you are interested in attending this service, please let me know as they wish to have an idea of the number of people for catering purposes. Also the Foodbank Management Team are looking for volunteers to cover the Foodbank when it is open on Tuesdays 10.30am – 1.30pm and on Fridays 10.30am – 2.30pm. If you are interested in finding out more please call 07591 104027.

Foodbank: Thank you to the congregation of Dalserf for your harvest gifts this year which are very much appreciated and the Kirk Session for choosing the food bank as the recipients of the Harvest Gifts.

The next meeting of the Gathering will be on Tuesday 23rd October at the home of Sheena and Bruce Archibald in Kirkfieldbank at 12.30.

It is time for the Shoe Box Appeal again. The boxes have to be here in the Church for Sunday 28th October as the pickup is Friday 2nd November at 12 noon at Chalmers Church.
If you are filling a box can you please collect instructions from Kay. Any small cash donations towards transportation of the boxes will be most welcome and can be given to Kay.

Anyone interested in knitting a teddy for Police Scotland Trauma Teddies Appeal can get a pattern from Kay.

Ordination of New Elders will take place in Dalserf on Sunday 28th October.

Lanarkshire Supporter Group are having a Soup and Dumpling lunch at the Bowling Pavilion in Hamilton on Saturday 3rd November from 1-3pm. Tickets are £8.00 Tickets are available from Rae Hunter or Lorna Brodie.

Sunday 11th November is Remembrance Sunday. Services will take place at Netherburn Cenotaph at 10.45am Ashgill Cenotaph at 11am and then at Dalserf Church at 11.30am.
There will be a retiring offering on Sunday 4th November (Communion) and Sunday 11th November going to the Earl Haig Fund.

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