Intimations Sunday 13th May 2018
WELCOME: A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our service today. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together.
BIBLE STUDY will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow at 11am
NEWSLETTER: Any items for the June newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor by today.
KIRKFIELDBANK LADIES FELLOWSHIP are having a Charity Pancake day in Kirkfieldbank Church Hall tomorrow Monday 14th May from 2pm – 4pm. All the pancakes you can eat with tea etc. Adults £2.50 children £1.00. Proceeds going to Crossreach.
GUILD OUTING: This coming Saturday 19th May is our Guild trip leaving from Dalserf at 10am. Visiting Glasgow Cathedral, Peoples Palace and then Chaterhault for High Tea. Cost is £20.00
CHRISTIAN AID envelopes were given out at the gate today. Please fill your envelope and give back to Nancy Rundell.
There will be a Kirk Session meeting after the service next Sunday 20th May.
FOODBANK – Thank you all for your continued support through your donations via your church (especially at harvest thanksgiving) and local supermarket baskets. These donations have kept the foodbank very well stocked over the last year. However, we are now running low on toilet rolls, tinned fruit and long-life breakfast juice. If you are considering making a donation to the foodbank at this time, we would very much appreciate if you would consider giving one of these items.