Intimations Sunday 10th November 2019
A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our Remembrance Service today. Soup, Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. A special warm welcome to Mr Andrew Steven Deputy Lieutenant who has been laying wreaths today on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen.
Each Sunday morning in Hamilton Hall there is a short time of prayer and meditation. Please feel free to come and join us, you will be made very welcome.
Bible study will meet tomorrow in Hamilton Hall at 11am
Girls Brigade will meet tomorrow night in Rorison
There will be a Kirk Session meeting on Tuesday night in Rorison at 7.30pm.
Our Guild will meet on Wednesday in Rorison when the speaker will be Kay Blair on the History of the Poppy.
Our Guild Christmas Fayre will be held in Hamilton Hall on Saturday from 11.30am – 3pm. Donations for any of the stalls will be gratefully received.
Items for the December Newsletter must be in the hands of the Editor by today.
Sadie’s surgery for her replacement hip has gone well. Sadly she has had an accident and brokien her wrist. Please keep Sadie in your thoughts and prayers
There are a few 2020 Diaries left on the front pew.
Bible reading notes annual subscription for 2020 is now due. Everyday with Jesus is £16.95. Please put your name on an envelope with the money, seal it and give it to me next Sunday, Nov 17th. Anyone wishing to be added or removed from my list please tell me on Nov 17th. Thank you for your co-operation. Ann Carson
The Flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Ann Price
The Flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Joan Pollok
Lights on G1 is a charity supporting the homeless in Glasgow.
Should you wish to help there will be a basket at the Church each Sunday to receive donations such as toothbrushes, toothpaste , stick deodorant, cup a soup etc. Anyone interested can pick up a fuller list of items required from the basket.
St Machan’s Guild are holding a fashion evening by Taylor Fashions on Tuesday 19th November. Tickets £3.00 For further information speak to Kay or Ann.
On Saturday 23rd November at 2pm. St Mary’s Episcopal Church in Hamilton are hosting a LIGHTS TO REMEMBER SERVICE. You can celebrate the life of a loved one this Christmas by placing a card with their name on the Christmas tree. Tea, coffee, home made mince pies and shortbread will be available. Entry is free This is organised by Marie Curie.
ROCK CHOIR in concert Friday 29th November St Andrew’s Church Blantyre. This is an evening not to be missed. Tickets £10. Doors open at 6.45pm Concert starts at 7.30pm
Poster on notice board.
Week Beginning 14th November 2019
Guild Christmas Fayre will take place in Hamilton Hall on Saturday 16th November. 11.30am – 3pm. Come along and join us and our usual Dalserf Teas. Usual stalls will be available, especially our Christmas Table.
Sunday Worship on 17th Nov, will take place in Dalserf Church at 11.30am will be conducted by Revd John Stevenson. The choir will meet at 10.30am
Bible Study meets on Monday 18th November in Hamilton Hall at 11.00am.
Girls Brigade meets on Monday 18th November in Rorison Church Ashgill