Sunday Worship, 28th November 2021. Order of Service.

Dalserf Parish Church

Order of Service
Sunday November 28th, 2021

Of Ezra

This morning Service will be led by
Revd Bev Gauld

Entry of God’s Word
(Please stand if you are able)

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

CH4 63

All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;
Him serve with love, his praise forth tell,
Come we before him, and rejoice.

Know that the Lord is God indeed;
Without our aid he did us make;
We are his folk, he doth us feed,
And for his sheep he doth us take.

O enter then his gates with praise;
Approach with joy his courts unto;
Praise, laud, and bless his Name always,
For it is seemly so to do.

For why? The Lord our God is good:
His mercy is for ever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.

Prayer of Approach & Confession
Lord’s Prayer

CH4 631
A little Child the Saviour came,
The Mighty God was still His Name;
And angels worshiped as He lay
The seeming Infant of a day.

He Who, a little Child, began
To show the world God’s loving plan.
Proclaims from Heaven the message free;
“Let little children come to Me.”

We bring them, Lord, and with the sign
Of sprinkled water name them Thine;
Their souls with saving grace endow;
Baptize them with Thy Spirit now.


CH4 631
O give Thine angels charge, good Lord,
Them safely in Thy way to guard;
Thy blessing on their lives command,
And write their names upon Thy hand.

O Thou, Who by an infant’s tongue
Dost hear Thy perfect glory sung,
May these, with all the heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Psalm 8 John McPhee

Mark 5:1-43 Lorna Brodie

CH4 463
Fairest Lord Jesus!
Ruler of all nature!
O Thou of God and man the Son!
Thee will I cherish,
Thee will I honour,
Thou, my soul’s glory, joy, and crown!

Fair are the meadows
Fairer still the woodlands,
Robed in the verdure and bloom of spring;
Jesus is fairer,
Jesus is purer,
He makes the saddest heart to sing!

Fair is the sunshine,
Fairer still the moonlight,
And fair the twinkling starry host;
Jesus shines brighter,
Jesus shines purer,
Than all the angels heav’n can boast!

Prayer of Intercession

CH4 30

I waited for the Lord my God,
And patiently did bear;
At length to me He did incline,
My voice and cry to hear.

He took me from a fearful pit
And from the miry clay,
And on a rock He set my feet,
Establishing my way.

He put a new song in my mouth,
Our God to magnify;
Many shall see it, and shall fear,
And on the Lord rely.

O blessèd are all they whose trust
Upon the Lord relies,
Respecting not the proud, nor such
As turn aside to lies.


Dedication of Offering

CH4 530
One more step along the world I go,
one more step along the world I go;
from the old things to the new
keep me traveling along with you:

Refrain – And it’s from the old I travel to the new;
keep me traveling along with you.

Round the corner of the world I turn,
more and more about the world I learn;
all the new things that I see
you’ll be looking at along with me: – Refrain

As I travel through the bad and good,
keep me traveling the way I should;
where I see no way to go
you’ll be telling me the way, I know:- Refrain

Give me courage when the world is rough,
keep me loving though the world is tough;
leap and sing in all I do,
keep me traveling along with you:- Refrain

You are older than the world can be,
you are younger than the life in me;
ever old and ever new,
keep me traveling along with you: -Refrain

Three Fold Amen

Intimations for Sunday 28th November (1st Sunday in Advent
A warm welcome is extended to all joining us for worship this morning.

The Baptism of Ezra son of Tamara and Dexter will take place today, and we warmly welcome the family and their relatives and friends to Dalserf.

The Service this morning will be recorded for the Church Website and Church Facebook page.

Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service. Please remain seated and you will be served.

Our Children’s Christmas Gift appeal in now underway. Gifts should be placed in a gift bag and labelled age, boy/girl. Gift must not contain money. Gifts should be in Church on Sunday 5th December or Rorison car park Monday 6th at 11am for collection by Social Work.

Mary Grove funeral will take place here in Dalserf on Tuesday 7th December at 1.00pm and South Lanarkshire Crematorium at 2.00pm. Family flowers only. There will be an opportunity to make a donation to Kilbryde Hospice,

There will be a meeting of the Kirk Session in Rorison on Tuesday at 7.30pm

The Guild will meet in Rorison on Wednesday 8th December for a Christmas themed night. On Thursday 16th we will go to the Bridges Garden Centre for afternoon tea. A deposit of £5.00 per person should be paid to Lily Budgell by Wednesday 8th.

The flowers this week were gifted by Mrs Carol Prentice
The flowers next week will be gifted by Mrs Lily Budgell

Please continue to pray for those people on the prayer list.
Rita and Sommerville, Willie Miller, Colin and Marion McAllister, Margaret Kent, Isobel McLean, John Grove, who is back in hospital and the Grove Family in their recent bereavement.

Our Service next week will be conducted by Revd John Stevenson. The Sacrament of Baptism will take place at this service.
Scottish Government and Church of Scotland guidance for places of worship during the present Pandemic.

These can be found on both the Government Web Site and the Church of Scotland Covid advice site.

Main points for us are
• Face coverings must be worn at all times in the church buildings.
• Face coverings may be removed to read the Lesson, make announcements and deliver the Sermon. However they should be replaced to move from one area to another.
• Congregations are strongly advised to take care in mingling and close proximity to others and as such should try to maintain a degree of distancing whilst in the buildings.
• Guidelines exist for notifying authorities of positive tests following a church meeting.

Let’s do all we can to protect each other by respecting the virus, being vigilant and holding each other in prayer.