Dalserf Church Update (Additional articles), September 2020

Many of the Newsletter readers are old enough to have some experience of the second world war and more probably its aftermath.
However I doubt if many can recall such times as this nation has experienced since mid March, when the Coronavirus struck with such intensity that church services up and down the country were cancelled and churches closed.

Each of you will have fought this new war in your own personal way. I hope you will be able to look back and be satisfied , when others were giving of their best, indeed their very lives, that you played a full part in waging war against the unseen enemy, and were able to go that extra mile, and extend a helping hand to others less fortunate than yourselves.

History has demonstrated, time and time again, that at times of crisis, whether, international, national, or merely in your own back yard, someone steps forward to lead and inspire others.

There is a well known cliché that says” Cometh the hour, cometh the man”. A phrase largely attributed to John’s Gospel Chapt 4. verse 23.

This congregation has witnessed such a man. A man who stood in the Dalserf pulpit and declared that come what may the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ would be proclaimed within the wall of that historic building.
Despite experiencing the ravages of the infection himself, and surviving, John, our locum, on his recovery, has fulfilled that pledge to the full. This congregation owes a sincere debt of gratitude to John for preparing a service each week of such quality and depth of inspiration. I am sure we all have been deeply blessed by those broadcasts, and at times of depression and self pity, were lifted up to face the lockdown, and do what we could to relieve the pain of others.

To John, on behalf of the congregation may I humbly express our thanks and appreciation for what you have done.

We are also greatly appreciative of all those who helped so unstintingly in the production of the broadcasts, and those who weekly have contributed to its content.

Bruce Archibald

When I remember the positives of Covid 19 ,the negatives melt into insignificance.

Never will I forget the magnificent spring which made all the restrictions easier to bear. The beautiful weather encouraged an outdoor life and travelling restrictions allowed us to further explore walks in neighbourhood.

We talked more to neighbours and strangers from a distance and it was exciting to follow routes some would recommend such as visiting the alpacas which turned out to be close neighbours What superior looking “smug” creatures they are!!

We noticed leaves open out fresh and green after their winter sleep and flowers bud. We were thrilled to see new born lambs wabbling as they took their first steps and watched intrigued as farmers tilled the soil and sowed crops.

The scent of banks of bluebells could be detected from a distance and later in the year those same banks were a mass of majestic foxgloves . Myriads of multicoloured wild flowers carpeted our local countryside whose seeds we have now collected for our own wild flower patch. The summer rains arrived and we watched the crops growing and their seed heads swelling. Burns and rivers filled again as the now succulent grass satisfied livestock. Too soon we realised that lambs were now as big as ‘mum’ and the cereal crops stood tall and golden swaying in the breeze.

God’s creation is full of wonder, organised and all under His control. Every season is different so that our eyes never become bored He’s thought of everything, it’s for everyone to enjoy ,it comes free and with His love.


Sheena Archibald.

The MAD Ministry

I am pleased to report that the MAD Ministry has started their regular assembly Bible lessons for Netherburn and Dalserf primary Schools.

Like our locum, Brian Lowrie and his two assistants, Jenny and Danielle, have embraced the digital world and are now in the position to stream their programmes direct to the schools.

This has the benefit of the schools being able to see the programmes in small individual classes, without a general assembly for all the pupils. This greatly helps the staff maintain social distancing, and the programmes can be watched at times most suitable for the schools.

It also has the added advantage that ALL the children see the programmes, not just those who used to stay behind for the Kids Klub. The Christian message is thus reaching a far wider audience than formarly.

The first broadcast took place at the beginning of September and the general feedback is very positive.

Please continue to support the MAD Ministry financially. If any one wishes donation envelopes please contact myself. A couple of pounds a week would make a big difference.

Bruce Archibald