Watchnight Service and Refreshments

Dalserf Parish Church, Dalserf Kirk Road, Dalserf, South Lanarkshire

Refreshments will be served in Hamilton Hall at 10:30pm followed by our Watchnight Service in Dalserf Church at 11:30pm.

Christmas Service

Dalserf Parish Church, Dalserf Kirk Road, Dalserf, South Lanarkshire

Good Friday Service

Dalserf Parish Church, Dalserf Kirk Road, Dalserf, South Lanarkshire


Rorison Memorial Church, Ashgill Ashgillhead Road, Ashgill, South Lanarkshire

Dalserf Guild returns to our regular meetings.

A Pie, A Pint and A Parable

Dalserf Bowling Club, Ashgill Ashgill

A Pie, A Pint and A Parable with Rev. Fiona Anderson (The pie and parable are on her!) The Guid Samaritan Dalserf Bowling Club, Ashgill.